7 Amazing Home Remedies for Dry Cracked Feet

Dealing with cracked feet sucks, but it’s a common issue that can be fixed at home with a few simple remedies. If you’re tired of hiding your feet or dealing with discomfort, you’re in the right place.

This guide gives you straightforward tips to treat dry, cracked heels with ingredients you already have at home.

List of Best Home Remedies for Dry Cracked Feet

  1. Petroleum Jelly
  2. Coconut Oil
  3. Honey, Glycerin, and Cream
  4. Aloe Vera Gel
  5. Oatmeal
  6. Essential Oils
  7. Banana and Avocado

1. Petroleum Jelly Overnight Treatment

Home remedies for cracked feet

Dry, cracked feet are uncomfortable and can be a source of embarrassment. Luckily, petroleum jelly is one of the simplest and most effective remedies out there. This common household item helps trap moisture, making it a great choice for deeply hydrating and repairing damaged skin. By applying it overnight, you give your feet the time they need to heal and restore their softness.

Why Petroleum Jelly Is Effective for Cracked Feet?

Petroleum jelly acts as a strong moisture barrier. It doesn’t add moisture itself but locks in the moisture already present in the skin. For cracked feet, this is crucial because it keeps the skin from drying out further, allowing it to repair naturally. The waxy, thick texture makes it particularly useful for tough areas like heels where the skin is thicker and prone to splitting.

How to Properly Apply Petroleum Jelly for Best Results?

To get the most out of this treatment:

  1. Clean and Soak Your Feet: Start by soaking your feet in warm water for about 15-20 minutes. This softens the skin, making it easier for the petroleum jelly to absorb.
  2. Exfoliate: Use a pumice stone or foot file to gently remove dead skin cells. This step is important because it allows the jelly to work directly on the fresh skin, speeding up the healing process.
  3. Apply Petroleum Jelly Generously: After drying your feet completely, apply a thick layer of petroleum jelly over the cracked areas. Make sure to cover the entire heel and other rough spots.
  4. Wear Cotton Socks: Put on a pair of clean, breathable cotton socks after applying the jelly. This locks in the moisture and keeps the treatment working throughout the night. The warmth also helps the jelly penetrate deeper into the skin.

2. Coconut Oil Massage

Natural treatments for dry feet

Coconut oil is a natural remedy known for its moisturizing and healing properties, making it perfect for treating dry, cracked feet. This approach is simple, yet highly effective, and it works well when incorporated into your nightly routine.

Why Coconut Oil Works for Cracked Feet?

Coconut oil contains fatty acids like lauric acid and capric acid, which are excellent for locking in moisture and promoting skin healing. It also has natural antifungal and antibacterial properties that help prevent infections, a common concern when cracks deepen. The high vitamin E content in coconut oil is key in promoting skin regeneration and soothing irritation.

How to Properly Use Coconut Oil for Best Results?

To maximize the benefits of coconut oil:

  1. Warm Water Soak and Exfoliation: Start by soaking your feet in warm water for 10-15 minutes to soften the skin. Adding sea salt can enhance this step, helping to reduce any pain or discomfort caused by deep cracks.
  2. Dry and Prep Your Feet: Pat your feet dry with a clean, soft towel. Gently exfoliate using a pumice stone to remove dead skin, which allows the coconut oil to better penetrate the healthy layers.
  3. Apply Coconut Oil Generously: Rub a generous amount of coconut oil onto your feet, focusing on the cracked areas. Massage it in using circular motions to improve blood circulation, which can speed up the healing process.
  4. Cover with Socks Overnight: Wear a pair of breathable cotton socks to lock in the moisture. This keeps the oil working on your skin all night, allowing for deep hydration.

How Effective Is Coconut Oil for Cracked Feet?

Many people notice softer skin after just one or two applications. Regular use can significantly improve the appearance and feel of your feet. Coconut oil’s natural moisturizing power combined with its protective barrier properties makes it a popular and reliable remedy for cracked heels. With continued use, you should see long-lasting improvements and healthier skin overall.

3. Honey, Glycerin, and Cream Mixture

Honey is a natural humectant, meaning it draws moisture into the skin. It’s also antibacterial, which helps protect against infections that might develop from deeper cracks. Glycerin is another humectant that attracts moisture, ensuring your feet stay hydrated for longer. Finally, adding fresh cream delivers essential fats that soften the skin, leaving it smooth and supple.

How to Apply the Honey, Glycerin, and Cream Mixture?

For the best results, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare the Mixture: Mix equal parts honey, glycerin, and fresh cream. You can adjust the quantities depending on how much you need, but the 1:1:1 ratio is key for maximum effectiveness.
  2. Warm Water Foot Soak: Soak your feet in warm water for 10-15 minutes. This step softens the skin, allowing the mixture to penetrate more effectively.
  3. Apply the Mixture Generously: After patting your feet dry, massage the mixture onto the affected areas. Be sure to cover the heels and any rough spots thoroughly. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes so that the skin can fully absorb the moisture.
  4. Rinse and Dry: Rinse your feet with lukewarm water and gently dry them with a clean towel. For extra softness, you can apply a light layer of petroleum jelly or coconut oil afterward.
  5. How Effective Is This Treatment?

This method is particularly beneficial for severe dryness and cracked heels. The combination of honey’s natural healing properties and glycerin’s long-lasting moisture retention can produce visible results in just a few applications. Consistent use will leave your feet softer, smoother, and less prone to cracking over time.

4. Aloe Vera Gel Moisturizer

Heal cracked heels naturally

Aloe vera gel contains enzymes, antioxidants, and vitamins that are crucial for skin repair. It’s rich in vitamins A, C, and E, which help in moisturizing the skin and promoting new cell growth.

Additionally, its antibacterial properties help prevent infections, a common issue when dealing with deep skin cracks. Aloe vera’s natural cooling effect also soothes inflammation and reduces irritation, making it an ideal treatment for damaged feet.

How to Use Aloe Vera Gel for Best Results?

To maximize the benefits of aloe vera gel:

  1. Foot Soak and Cleanse: Start by soaking your feet in warm water for 10-15 minutes to soften the skin. You can add some sea salt or Epsom salt to the soak for extra exfoliation.
  2. Exfoliate: Gently exfoliate your feet with a pumice stone to remove dead skin. This prepares the area for better absorption of the aloe vera gel.
  3. Apply Aloe Vera Gel Generously: After patting your feet dry, apply a thick layer of pure aloe vera gel to the cracked areas. For best results, use fresh aloe vera gel straight from the plant, but store-bought options can work as well if they’re 100% pure.
  4. Cover with Cotton Socks Overnight: Put on a pair of breathable cotton socks and let the aloe vera work its magic overnight. The socks help retain moisture and allow the gel to deeply penetrate the skin.

5. Oatmeal Foot Soak and Scrub

Dry feet treatment at home

Oatmeal works because it’s rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. These properties help soothe irritation and reduce redness, which are common issues when dealing with cracked heels.

It also acts as a mild exfoliant, removing dead skin while leaving the new skin soft and smooth. Additionally, oatmeal contains saponins, which naturally cleanse the skin without stripping it of moisture.

How to Use Oatmeal for Cracked Feet?

Here’s a step-by-step process to follow:

  1. Prepare the Soak: Mix one cup of powdered oatmeal with warm water in a basin. Stir until the oatmeal fully dissolves and creates a milky consistency.
  2. Soak Your Feet: Soak your feet in the mixture for about 20 minutes. This will soften the skin and make it easier to exfoliate.
  3. Create an Oatmeal Scrub: After soaking, make a paste by mixing oatmeal with a little water or honey. Rub this paste gently onto the cracked areas, focusing on the heels and any rough patches. The scrub helps slough off dead skin, allowing for better moisture absorption.
  4. Rinse and Moisturize: Rinse your feet with warm water and pat them dry. For best results, apply a moisturizer like coconut oil or a thick foot cream right after.

6. Essential Oils Foot Massage

Soften cracked heels remedies

If your cracked feet need some extra care, using essential oils can be a game-changer. Essential oils like peppermint, lavender, and tea tree not only smell great but also offer deep nourishment and healing properties. When combined with a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba, these oils can help rejuvenate the skin and relieve discomfort.

What Makes Essential Oils So Effective?

Essential oils are packed with natural compounds that have anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and moisturizing effects. For example, peppermint oil contains menthol, which has a cooling effect that soothes irritation and improves circulation. Lavender oil is known for its calming properties, while tea tree oil has strong antifungal benefits that can protect against infections in deeper cracks.

How to Use Essential Oils for Cracked Feet?

Here’s a simple approach to get the most out of your essential oils:

  1. Mix the Oils: Combine a few drops of your chosen essential oil (like peppermint, lavender, or tea tree) with a carrier oil. Coconut oil or jojoba oil works best for this. The typical ratio is 3-4 drops of essential oil per tablespoon of carrier oil.
  2. Massage Your Feet: Warm the mixture slightly by rubbing it between your hands, then gently massage it into your feet using circular motions. Focus on the cracked areas and any rough patches. This improves circulation, which can speed up healing.
  3. Cover and Let It Absorb: After massaging, put on a pair of cotton socks to keep the oils in contact with your skin. Let the oils absorb overnight for the best results.

7. Banana and Avocado Foot Mask

Cracked heels and dry skin can be stubborn, but this unique foot mask made from bananas and avocados is a natural remedy that delivers deep hydration. Both ingredients are packed with essential vitamins and nutrients that nourish the skin, making this a fantastic at-home solution for smoother feet.

Why Bananas and Avocados Work for Cracked Feet

Bananas are rich in vitamins A, B, C, and E, which are crucial for skin health. They also contain natural oils that help maintain moisture levels in the skin. Avocados, on the other hand, are loaded with healthy fats, antioxidants, and vitamins that repair and hydrate dry skin. The combination of these two ingredients creates a potent mask that not only softens rough patches but also boosts overall skin health.

How to Make and Apply the Banana and Avocado Mask

Here’s how to prepare and use this nourishing mask:

  1. Prepare the Ingredients: Mash one ripe banana and half an avocado in a bowl until you get a smooth, creamy paste. The riper the banana and avocado, the easier it will be to apply.
  2. Clean Your Feet: Before applying the mask, wash your feet with warm water and pat them dry. This helps open up the pores, allowing better absorption.
  3. Apply the Mask: Generously spread the mixture over your feet, focusing on the cracked areas. Make sure the mask covers every rough spot for even treatment.
  4. Let It Sit: Leave the mask on for about 20 minutes. This gives the vitamins and fats enough time to penetrate and nourish your skin.
  5. Rinse and Moisturize: Rinse your feet with lukewarm water and pat them dry with a soft towel. Follow up with a moisturizer like coconut oil or a thick foot cream to lock in the hydration.


Can cracked feet cause infections?
Yes, cracked feet can lead to infections if the cracks are deep and untreated. When the skin breaks, it can become an entry point for bacteria, leading to potential infections. It’s important to keep the area clean and moisturized to prevent this. This condition can appear because of many reasons, and running a marathon is just one of them.
Why do my feet crack even after moisturizing?
If your feet crack despite moisturizing, it could be due to underlying conditions like eczema, psoriasis, or even dehydration. Using the wrong type of moisturizer or skipping exfoliation might also be factors. Ensure you’re using thick, oil-based creams and regularly exfoliating to remove dead skin.
Can I use Vaseline for cracked feet during the day?
Yes, you can use Vaseline (petroleum jelly) during the day, but it’s more effective overnight when paired with socks. During the day, the jelly might feel greasy and cause slipping in your shoes, which is why nighttime application is preferred.
What shoes are best for preventing cracked feet?
Closed, supportive shoes with cushioned insoles are the best options. Avoid sandals, flip-flops, or any shoes with open heels, as they increase pressure on the heel and lead to dryness and cracking.
Is it safe to use a razor on cracked heels?
No, using a razor or any sharp object to remove dead skin is not recommended. It can cause cuts and make the problem worse. Instead, use a pumice stone or a gentle foot file for safe exfoliation.
How long does it take to heal cracked feet with home remedies?
The time it takes to heal cracked feet varies. Mild cases can improve within a week with consistent treatment, while more severe cases might take two to three weeks. It’s important to stick to the routine daily for the best results.

Last Words

Dealing with dry, cracked feet doesn’t have to be a frustrating battle. By using simple, effective home remedies like petroleum jelly, coconut oil, and nourishing foot masks, you can restore the softness and comfort your feet deserve.